Saturday 23 July 2016

Most common sources and causes of STRESS 1/2

Stress is there with most us day in day out. Each of our minds are different from another. The problem arises when we start comparing ourselves with others. Most of us come across it at every stage of our life. It is a ghost which has no physical existence, but haunts us more than the real one (if we ever could see one, hope not ;) ). To be able to fight with it we must know where it lives and comes from. I have tried to find its sources and causes (mentioned below) to help you identify it and fight with it.

1 . Sources of stress...
I have categorized and have given each stress source a share of percentage based on my general observation (it may vary person to person). However, these categories are major part of anyone's life's source of stress. All of have family, social, health and financial issues in common. First we need to identify which of these contributes more to the stress percentage. For example, for some people Family issues are biggest reason for stress. They need to think and draw a plan to tackle these issues. There are many things one can do depending on situation to situation.

Next Article: How to avoid stress (in progress)

1 A. Stress formula

To interpret the above formula one needs just simple maths skills. It is the simplest way stress could be understood and worked upon. Keeping your expectations realistic to achieve your goals practically is the key to having less or no stress.  Always remember stress can never be eliminated 100%. Although, it is not possible to 0 (zero) stress every time but one can reduce it to a significant level with this simple formula in mind.

If stress could be measured in time... out of 24 hrs..

I know it is difficult to calculate it accurately, but even if you could have a rough idea about it. Then it will be helpful for your identify the time you wasted on actual and post stress events. Try to prevent the after effects of any situation that leads you to 'Actual Stress' to reduce the 'Time taken to come out of stress'. Have some memories/ideas handily available to get you back to the normal position every time stress attacks.

Above is just an approximate analysis on stress. (you can do an analysis for yourself).

It is obvious that stressed moments are not much but the moments spent to recover after it are the maximum. We pay attention to things/events/moments which bring stress and be prepared with a backup plan to tackle it.

To be continued...

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